About Modern Mind & BodyCare

The world has changed rapidly in the last 50 years.  We sit more, move less, receive constant stimulation, are endlessly inundated with tasty treats that trick our bodies. Our minds are being relentlessly hijacked to make poor decisions. Modern times require modern inputs.  Getting the body and mind to function the way you want doesn’t have to be difficult-- it just has to be different.


Modern Mind and BodyCare is a philosophy that looks at the whole human, the body and brain as interconnected systems, understanding that there are myriad influences and environments that uniquely impact our health and well-being.  Modern life requires modern mobility, a modern menu, and much more that is required to maintain maximum well-being to keep you moving for as long as you desire.

You can find a good workout anywhere, but cultivating a relationship to health that will last a lifetime is not as easy of a task.  Every client begins with a unique goal, but the undercurrent to each of those goals is learning how to have a healthy, committed, and sustainable relationship to health.  In addition to focusing on mobility and classic strength training, Modern Mind and BodyCare relies heavily on psychology and connection to the self to help clients achieve goals.


About Angela

Angela received a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology in 2009 and worked as an outpatient therapist.  After learning the immense impact exercise, movement, and diet, have on mental health, she became a Certified Personal Trainer in 2017.  The passion for strength training steadily grew, and realizing the importance of training to have a body that functions well at 70, 80, 90, and beyond, she became certified in Functional Range Conditioning and Functional Range Assessments to specialize in joint health and optimization—the building blocks of the human body. Angela is passionate about aging optimally, seeking out the myriad ways to enhance the longevity of the body and mind.  Hint: it’s more than just diet and exercise :)